Some Pictures from Black Rocks, 5. May 2022

Edition of 6. May 2022

Here are some photos from a bright day at this small Cheshire crag with JohnH and Marek. Think Windgather, with similar geology, less height, fewer routes and slightly less wind. And a bit more of a walk-in. Here's a link to Black Rocks on UKC, and here's a version which may work better on a computer screen (landscape).

Here are the routes I think we did, apologies if I've got it wrong...
Marek led Shield Bulge, HVD, J & S seconded
John led Shield Edge, VD, M & S sec
Marek led Fingerjug & Eye, HVD 4a, J & S sec
John led The Quality of Local Lichen, S 4a, *, M & S sec
Marek and Steve soloed Barely Anything, VD - which is actually the route name - no sure whether John did?
After lunch, Marek led Proud Rift HVD 4a
Then we bouldered / bimbled various stuff which I didn't make a note of.

Crumbs! This is Marek's take on John climbing Mrs P's Cake!

Marek leading one of our early routes, probably Shield Bulge HVD, John belaying

John enjoying the lovely grippy rock, if not the vegetation

Marek getting established - some of the starts were quite undercut, with poor landings, but I don't think he's actually pulling on the heather

Marek hauling Steve up in the middle of a nice tight rope

John cruising, as per...

...and bringing Marek up another route

Steve making it look harder than it was - this was my first outing in nearly three years.

Proud Prow Area - considerably steeper than Shield Buttress (and John's showing what Mouldering Bats are primarily used for)

John, tied in and spotting Marek on Proud Rift - some of the starts were above steep slopes, and would be uncomfortable to fall off

John topping out and looking happy to do so

"Hey, this is my boulder, go and find your own!"

Steve spotting John while he gets the first runner in on "The Quality of Local Lichen", S 4a...

...that's better!

Jugs at last

Steve following John...

...nearly there...

...and the reward every climber needs - Mrs P's Cake. Mmmm, cake.

Thanks to JohnH and Marek for their photos, and for a Grand Day Out! Now all we need is a poem...

Here's a version which may work better on a computer screen (landscape).

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